Check out the latest CHS Update here: https://www.smore.com/6kx4j

The cooler weather didn't slow down our middle school cross country team yesterday! Congratulations to all our Cougar runners on a great meet in Kewaskum yesterday!

Students in Mrs. Skelton's Exploratory Spanish class were having fun building their speaking fluency and pronunciation today! They learned calendar vocabulary while dancing to the Macarena at different speeds, focusing on syllable stress and vowel sounds.

Our 7th graders have been hard at work! In geography, they have started the year with study skills and how to be organized. Students learned and practiced how to take notes in an outline format. In reading students took their fall iReady test this week. They also had some fun while working on their teamwork skills to accomplish a goal of building a pyramid of cups!

The middle school cross country team worked hard this past week for a fun run to Ty's Place for pizza and ice cream. They ran hills, logged distance, and worked on speed for over 20 total miles. In cross country we work hard and play hard!

Yesterday our 6th graders played a name game during advisory to get to know each other and also as way for students from the different buildings last year to learn each others names!

The boys and girls middle school cross country teams are off to a great start already this season. Both teams took first at the Markesan CC meet out of ten teams. Caleb Siebauer took first place as the individual boys champion! Way to go Cougars!!

The middle school was filled with excitement today as students returned to school. Teachers and staff were excited to welcome back students in our opening day assembly this morning.

Students in Mrs. Writt’s summer school dance classes did an amazing job with their end-of-summer performances on Thursday! Take a look:

A special thank you and appreciation to our Middle School exploratory teachers retiring at the end of the year- Mr. Seidl, Ms. Schulze, and Mr. Simpson!!

Mrs Feltes' 6th grade WI Forestry class wrapped up their leaf chromatography lab today. Leaf chromatography is an experiment that allows us to see the colorful pigments that leaves have hidden inside them during the spring and summer. When leaves are green, there is so much chlorophyll in them that it hides the other pigments from view. In the fall, the chlorophyll in leaves breaks down leaving behind the other leaf pigments that we see in the fall. The kids were pretty surprised by the colors they uncovered!

Our 6th graders were able to celebrate the end of the year at Camp Y Koda today!

7th grade students finished up their final lessons this week about the Cold War and the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster. Thankfully no students were harmed by the hazardous radioactive waste that made it into the classroom (AKA glow sticks)! :)

We had a successful morning at our 'Be Kind to Your Mind' district wellness day!

More Science Olympiad pictures from State!

The Middle School Science Olympiad team went for the win at the State Tournament taking 13th place overall! Congratulations on a VERY successful season!

7th grade students traded in their student IDs for secret agent badges yesterday in geography! They worked together to demonstrate their knowledge of the European Union by completing four different “spy” missions related to the topic.

The 6th grade students pitched Community Service ideas to Mr. Dave Krebs, the Village Board President, and Mr. Charlie Kudy, the Village Administrator. The students worked with partners and were challenged to design a project that matched a community need with a passion they wanted to pursue in order to make a difference in Campbellsport.

On April 1st, the sixth grade students at Campbellsport Middle School participated in a Greek and Roman Day as part of their social studies curriculum. Students immersed themselves in Greek and Roman culture by dressing up and competing in the “Olympics” which was followed by an awards ceremony. Thank you to all parents and staff that worked so hard to make history come alive for this year’s sixth graders!

Today a small group of CMS students travelled to Oshkosh to participate in a student leadership conference. They were able to learn that a leader is ANYONE who has influence over another person. Meaning that we are able to lead wherever our feet are and that is our responsibility as leaders to make the most of every moment and grow through life with a sense of wonder. Are you ready to be a leader? Here are two mindsets to get started. 1) Before going to bed at night ask yourself, "what did I do well for others today?" and 2) adapt the "get to" mindset.