Thank you to everyone who donated towards the food drive our student council organized in December!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
Food Drive
Celebration of the 100th Day of School In a coordinated and collaborative school-wide celebration for the 100th day of school, Campbellsport Elementary will be raising awareness and resources for Fond du Lac County organizations in need. Students and staff are being asked to bring in items to help support the following organizations. We are hoping each grade level can raise 100 items to show our support. Fond du Lac Humane Society Campbellsport/FDL food pantries Solutions Center for Homelessness-FDL County The following are the grades and their focus areas: Early Childhood/4K/Kindergarten-Fond du Lac Humane Society items 1st Grade- Can Goods for local food pantries. 2nd grade-Hygiene products for the Solutions Center for Homelessness 3rd Grade-Can Goods for local food pantries. 4th Grade-Hygiene products for the Solutions Center for Homelessness 5th Grade-Fond du Lac Humane Society items. We are collecting now through Friday, Feb. 10th. Please send in items to your teachers during this time. We will be having a school-wide assembly/celebration on Tuesday, Feb. 14th. Let’s help raise 100 items while raising an awareness for homelessness, animal shelters, and food pantries in our communities. Thank you for your support. We appreciate all you do for our school and communities. Sincerely, Ms. B. Timm 920-533-8032 Early Childhood/4K/Kindergarten and 5th Grade Students and Families Items needed for the Fond du Lac Humane Society Purina dog/cat food-all kinds Used towels-wash cloths, hand towels, and bath towels Used blankets Soaps-liquid dish and laundry detergent Wipes Gently used/new leashes and collars All cleaning supplies New cat and dog toys Litter Beds for cats and dogs-new or gently used Cat and dog treats Pet carriers-new or gently used Paper towels Gloves Pet bowls Flat sheets used **and so much more 1st Grade and 3rd Grade Students and Families Items in need for the local food pantries Corn Beans All fruits and vegetables in cans Tuna in a can Can soups Cans of stew Peanut butter Jelly Canned nuts/berries Canned spaghetti sauces ** these are just some suggestions 2nd Grade and 4th Grade Students and Families Hygiene Products ideas: Shampoo/ Conditioner Bar Soap Deodorant/Antiperspirant Nail clippers Toothbrushes Wash cloths Toothpaste Vaseline Kleenex Wet-ones Wipes Carmex Lotion Q-tips/Cotton Balls Bandaids **These are just some suggestions. Socks Feminine products Hair Brushes/combs Hair ties Mouthwash
about 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
Congratulations to our Middle School Students of the month for November, Lyssa, Ayda and Aleah!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
Congratulations Kinsley Homuth! She signed a National Letter of Intent to play softball at Bryant & Stratton College in Milwaukee.
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
Campbellsport High School is proud to announce their “Students of the Month” for the month of November. All high school students are eligible for this honor. Teachers make their selections based upon attitude, effort, character, interest, and achievement, as exhibited in the classroom and school community. Students are nominated by their teachers and then chosen by department. Administration, faculty, and staff are committed to developing future leaders in our community. We want to honor those who are striving each and every day to be those future leaders, who demonstrate this by their positive actions and behaviors. Congratulations to Katrina Ohme (Science), Ava Sippel (Business), HeraiMamutov (Foreign Language), and Jaedyn Burns (English) for being selected as the CHS Students of the Month in November. The science department nominates Katrina Ohme as Student of the Month. Katrina is currently taking CAPP Chemistry, but she is also taking Introduction to Physics at a local college. Katrina has to leave chemistry early a couple days a week to make it to her physics class on time, so sometimes she misses a good bit of what we do during the class. But she has been amazing at keeping caught up while taking these two very challenging science classes, all the while maintaining her usual standard of excellence. Katrina is a FANTASTIC student of the sciences! (Submitted by Mrs. Ballard) The Campbellsport Business Education Department is delighted to nominate Ava Sippel for November Student of the Month.  Ava is a conscientious student who works well with everyone, always tries her best, and goes above and beyond.  Ava is a role model for other students by demonstrating the hard work, dedication, and commitment that it takes to achieve and exceed her goals.  She is a pleasure to be around, both inside and outside the classroom!  Congratulations, Ava and thanks for being you! (Submitted by Ms. Peterson and Mrs. Waldschmidt) Herai Mamutov has shown great dedication to learning Spanish. He is already fluent in Russian, English, German, and Ukrainian; his desire to interact with the world is inspirational! He asks great questions and makes strong connections between his linguistic knowledge and cultural experiences. Herai is also fun to have in class. He has a great sense of humor and works well with all of his peers.  (Submitted by Mrs. Skelton) The English department would like to nominate Jaedyn Burns for their Student of the Month.  Jaedyn has shown on multiple occasions that she understands the value of communication by going above and beyond with both her writing and her public speaking. She has the strength to deliver a great speech even though she is nervous about speaking, and she is brave enough to speak her opinions in her writing, even as she accepts the risk that she might be wrong.  As her teacher, I see Jaedyn pays close attention to details and is willing to revise her own work in order to make it the best it can possibly be.  This is a skill that will help her not only in language arts, but in all of her classes and life as well.  I have thoroughly enjoyed having Jaedyn in my class, and I look forward to seeing what she accomplishes next.  (Submitted by Mr. Schmitt)
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
Students of the month
Students of the month- november
The middle school music classes would like to thank Mr. Dwayne Rasmussen from our maintenance staff for joining our 6th and 8th grade music exploratories, as our guest guitar teacher! So far they got the basics of guitar and learned two classic pop songs. All of the students are jumping right into it, even though it's a first for many.
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
guitar class
music class
teaching guitar
Great day for the Dance Team with 2nd and 3rd place finishes! Even a bigger day for Coach Warnecke who was awarded Coach of the Day with 109 teams in attendance! Her positivity and passion cannot be denied!
over 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
Congratulations to our 7th grade boys basketball on their win last night at Rosendale. The other big winner last night was our 8th grade boys basketball team, because last night administration received and email from the game manager who was so impressed with the character, resect and the sportsmanship the team showed. We are proud how they positively represented the team and our school, so we celebrated with donuts this morning!!
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
8th Grade Basketball
Congratulations to Aubree Koenings who signed a National Letter of Intent to UW-Stout! She will be a member of their Track & Field Team.
over 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
As an extension into the Thermal Energy unit, the 8th-grade students enjoyed an "in-house" field trip today. Throughout this unit, students explore the relationship between energy and temperature. To develop their understanding students take on the role of "thermal scientists" and are presented with a scenario in which they will recommend a heating system for a fictional school. The context of heating a school provides a relevant and realistic question for students to consider as they delve into the nature of temperature. The field trip included a walk-through tour of our school's boiler and air exchange rooms given by Matt Seiser, facilities director and was assisted by maintenance staff, Don Schrauth and Jim Beck.
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
Congratulations to our Middle School October Students of the Month, Remick, Kaleb and Nolan!
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
7th Grade Student of the Month
6th Grade Student of the Month
8th Grade Student of the Month
Congratulations to Ostin Blanchard! He signed his National Letter of Intent to (Div I) Bellarmine University in Kentucky. Way to go Ostin!
over 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
Congratulations to the Middle School Science Olympiad team taking 8th overall at Belleville Invitational Tournament! Ben & Eli - 2th place "Geocaching" Emma & Valentina & Cali - 3rd place "Picture This" Randon & Estrella - 5th place "Road Scholar" Emma & Valentina - 5th place "Write It, Do It"
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
8th place
Students in Mrs. Writt’s geography class discussed the origins of Veterans Day and why it is celebrated. They ended class learning about how to fold the American flag, and the meaning behind each fold.
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
7th Grade Geography
7th Grade Geography
7th Grade Geography
7th Grade Geography
Thank you Veterans from the class of 2027!
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
Veteran's Day Picture
Important game details regarding our Campbellsport Cougar football game at Racine Horlick Field on Friday October 28th: All tickets must be purchased ahead of time at Ticket sales will open 1 week prior to each event Ticket sales close at 2:00pm the day of the event. Any individual(s) not purchasing tickets by 2:00pm will not be allowed into the game Tickets can be printed at home to be scanned at the event or shown on cellular device to be scanned Gates/entrance close 30 minutes after the scheduled start time of the varsity event. Anyone not in the game at this time will not be allowed in Refunds will only be issued for ticket purchases if the event is canceled No re-entry to the event All middle/elementary school students must be with an adult No Passes Allowed!!!
over 2 years ago, Taylor Myers
Classroom highlights from Mrs. Poquette's Science classroom this week: Today students used syringes to discover the properties of gas and then explained their observations to develop a particulate model of matter. Students also created advertisements of elements to learn more about their properties.
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
8th Grade Science
8th Grade Science
8th Grade Science
 advertisements of elements
In our 6th Grade Stem of History class students discussed the advancement of rocketry and the engineering involved in putting objects in orbit. This unit culminated in the construction of our very own air powered rockets which were launched on our practice fields.
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
6th Grade STEM
6th Grade STEM
6th Grade STEM
6th Grade STEM
To gather information about the scale of cells, students constructed a scale model of an animal cell in the form of a "shrinky dink" in Sixth Grade Science last week.
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
6th Grade Science
6th Grade Science
Check out just some of the decorating our talented students did for Homecoming this week!
over 2 years ago, Campbellsport High School
Homecoming Decorations
Homecoming PHoto
Homecoming Photo