This Saturday the middle school forensics team participated in the state meet at Brookfield Central High School. Overall, the team took 5th place in the medium schools division. Emma Stillwell was a medalist in serious solo. Congratulations to the 12 state qualifying participants:
almost 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
Here is the live stream for tonight's Sectional Boys' Basketball Game vs. Brillion at 7:00 pm. DHS youtube
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
The State Champion Girls' Bowling Team returns to school....still celebrating with their new school hardware.
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
Campbellsport Cougars Girls Bowling team wins the 2023 State Championship!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport High School
girls and boys bowling team
girls team wins
girls team wins 2
Both Boys' & Girls' Bowling teams took their walk to State! Good luck teams!
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
CHS Boys' Basketball team won a Regional Champion with a 43-36 win versus Southern Door. Way to go team! Thanks for all of the support in making the trip by our students and community!
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
Sixth grade students celebrated Read Across America Day on Thursday, March 2nd. Students 'camped out with a good book'. They brought in their blankets, flashlights, their favorite books, and wore pajamas to enjoy some delightful reading time in the pod.
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
Great time at the Flyway Conference Academic Excellence Awards on 2/26/23, where these fine CHS Seniors were awarded for being the Top 10 Graduates in the class of 2023 at CHS by GPA, along with their peers from other conference schools. Congrats to Natalie Coon, Mykala Fabry, Ella Goebel, Mandy Gonzalez, Kovi Herrmann, Mercedes Herrman, Aydrienne Jaeger, Jamie Reilly, Brock Retzer, and Gracie Schill on this achievement!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport High School
Top 10 Students
Top 10 Students
Way to go Joseph Volz and Ostin Blanchard! They competed valiantly at the State Wrestling Tournament with Joseph finishing 3rd and Ostin as a State Champion! Cougar Nation is proud of you both!
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
The WIAA Wrestling post season is underway. Karsten Krueger, Ostin Blanchard, Chris Meyer, Sam Koth, JJ Ksioszk, and Joseph Volz all qualified for Sectionals. This past weekend Ostin Blanchard and Joseph Volz both advanced to State! Congratulations guys!
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
Kylie Krueger had a college signing. She will be attending Marian University in fall and will be playing volleyball. Good luck Kylie!
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
On Monday, February 13, the Campbellsport High School Forensics team traveled to Winnebago Lutheran High School for their Sub District meet. Campbellsport had nine students in six entries: Mykala Fabry, Mercedes Herrmann, Danielle Wettstein, and Hannah Thelen in Group Interpretation, Natalie Coon in Prose, Aydrienne Jaeger in Humorous Solo, Noah Vandergrinten in Impromptu, Katie Waddle in Farrago, and Kaitlyn Ziehr in Serious Solo. The team is very proud to announce that all nine of their members earned the opportunity to move on to the District level. Students will compete next at their District meet on March 13 and their Conference meet on March 27. Photo Back Row: Aydrienne Jaeger, Noah Vandergrinten, Mykala Fabry, Mercedes Herrmann Front Row: Katie Waddle, Caitlyn Ziehr, Danielle Wettstein, Hannah Thelen, Natalie Coon
about 2 years ago, Tom Wissink
Sub District 4N6
Congratulations to our Middle School Students of the Month from January!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
Congratulations to Campbellsport Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) on an excellent showing at the Regional Leadership Conference on Saturday, 2/4 at Dodgeland HS. Overall, Campbellsport placed 6th out of over 20 schools, and Lucas Beck, Katelyn Bertram, Nolan Carpenter, Natalie Coon, Josh Dontchenko, Eli Fleischman, Mandy Gonzalez, Taylor Muraski, Ariel Sass, Caden Schulz, Ava Sippel, and Kaitlyn Vant Hoff all placed in the top 3 in their events and will be advancing to State in Green Bay in April! Well done, CHS FBLA!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport High School
The high school Science Olympiad team recently competed at the UW Milwaukee regionals. They will be moving on to STATE in April. Special shout out to Natalie Coon for her third place medal in Dynamic Planet! Also, Sam Foster and Abe Poquette for their fourth place in Horticulture and third place in Scrambler! Awesome job team and coaches Mrs. Poquette and Mrs. Ballard!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport High School
Science Olympiad Team Members
Science Olympiad Team Members
Science Olympiad Team Members
As part of our 7th grade health class, students learned about hands only CPR and had the opportunity to practice this life saving skill.
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
Congratulation to the CHS Dance Team! Maggi Swift is the first individual to qualify for a solo at State & the team qualified for both Hip Hop and Pom. Good luck girls!
about 2 years ago, Tom Griesemer
Our seventh graders started examining minerals this week and finding the properties that will help them identify the minerals by name.
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School
7th Grade Science
7th Grade Science
7th Grade Science
7th Grade Science
CHS alumni home for their winter break came in to the freshmen mentoring sessions to provide advice on how to make the most of the high school experience and get ready for life after high school. Thank you to Angie Lamberton, Julie Baumhardt, Andrea Yahr, Morgan Yahr, Kyle Koltz, Skyler Fryman, Tessa Zocher, and Lucas Hodny for sharing their advice to the class of 2026!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport High School
CHS Alumni speak to freshman class
CHS Alumni speak to freshman class
CHS Alumni speak to freshman class
CHS Alumni speak to freshman class
Congratulations to our Middle School Students of the Month from December!
about 2 years ago, Campbellsport Middle School