This week the Earth Science classes are building structures out of spaghetti noodles, marshmallows, and tape. These structures have to be resistant to earthquake-like shaking and hold an egg 40cm off the ground. They have made some incredible designs with some trial and error!

In celebration of the upcoming Random Acts of Kindness week, sixth grade students created "water bottle stickers" that spread kind messages and quotes. "Kindness Fills Our Cups" covers the wall entering the pod; the positive messages are a great way to start the day!

Congratulations to Campbellsport’s 2024 Scholastic Art Award winners; Sam Ellenbecker (2 Honorable Mentions) and Mady Strobel (Honorable Mention).
The Scholastic Art Awards program is the nation’s most prestigious recognition program for creative teens. A scholastic art award is considered a symbol of excellence in the visual arts. Both students will be recognized at an awards ceremony at the Milwaukee Art Museum on March 2nd.

Dance Team is State Champs! First place Hip Hop and third place in Poms! Congratulations team!!!!!

All middle school classes learn about Art History in timeline order. The 6th grade starts with the Artwork of Ancient Greece and Rome, 7th grade at Impressionism, and 8th grade ends on Modern Art. Each year students learn roughly 30 Artworks by title, artist, and style.
This wonderful class of 6th graders chose to have their picture taken with the romantic work "A Village Bullfight" by Francisco de Goya.

Last night the Campbellsport FFA competed in the district leadership development events. These individuals have worked hard over the last couple months to prepare for their contests. McKinley Krueger placed second Extemporaneous Speaking and will advance to sectionals. She also competed Discussion Meet and placed 3rd overall. Kaydence Hodorff placed 3rd in Employability Skills! Brooklyn Krueger memorized the FFA Creed and represented the Campbellsport chapter well! Congratulations to our competitors!

Link for the Campbellsport vs. Lomira Dual tonight on Rokfin...

It's getting hot in here!
Mrs. Poquette's 8th-grade class is diving deep into the fascinating world of kinetic energy and phase changes! 🌊💨
🔬 Currently, they're exploring how kinetic energy works its magic to overcome the molecular attraction between the molecules of a substance. Imagine the dance of particles as they transition through different phases! 💃❄️🔥
📈 As if that's not cool enough, the students are also graphing the temperature during the entire phase change journey of water – from ice to gas! 📊🚰 It's like creating a visual masterpiece of the science behind the magic! 🎨✨

7th grade geologists are beginning their quest to learn how rocks form. Earlier in the week, students made detailed observations of rock samples. Now they are taking those observations and using them to compare and contrast the rocks and differentiate between rock samples and rock formations.

Students in the Animal Science classes take time each week to track the growth of the steers. They measure length, barrel, and height of the animal and then calculate the weight. Students are able to see how the steers grow each week and compare the steers.

Our high school show choir was able to get out in the community and some caroling yesterday. They had a ton of fun! They caroled at two nursing homes, a coffee shop, and both CES and EES. At there second assisted living home stop, the students split up and visited with the residents for about an hour! Mr. Loescher was very proud of them for going out of their comfort zone and showing a lot of care for some elderly folks they don't even know. They had great conversations and took away some wild stories from the experience!

A busy week before Christmas for students culinary classes-Worldwide Cuisine students made homemade Italian Fettucine (including the pasta) the last two days, and will prepare European Christmas cookies, and Foods 1 students are busy with carbohydrate cooking techniques like banana muffins, biscuit preparation, and principles of baking (cookie bars). 🍝🍌

🌍✨ Exploring the Past, Crafting the Future! Our incredible World History students are taking learning to the next level by creating a dynamic unit review game. 🎮📚

AP World History students channeling their inner Martin Luther! Our students are fearlessly posting their theses (what they would change about the school) on the office door.

Earlier this month, the Campbellsport High Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter spent an afternoon at Campbellsport Elementary doing some fun activities with the elementary students, including dodgeball, crafts, bingo, and Just Dance. A wonderful time was had by both the high and elementary schoolers!

We had a full house at our MS-HS band concert last night. If you didn't get a chance to see the performances, you can always check-out our High School Drama One Act Performance on Saturday, December 16th at 7pm or the Middle-High School Chorus Concert on December 20th at 7pm.

Mrs. Waldschmidt’s Entrepreneur Class welcomed Ms. Peterson’s class to participate in market research. The information that they gathered will help the class make educated decisions about the products they are offering in the High School vending machines.

8th grade students in Mrs. Poquette's Science class explored how engineers have met the challenge of keeping foods, liquids, and other items cool. Students then designed a system to keep a cup of chilled water as cool as possible for 30 minutes.

Using Oreo cookies as Earth's crust and mantle, 7th graders modeled divergent boundaries with a mid-ocean ridge; convergent boundaries with trenches and mountain formation; and transform boundaries. After they completed drawing their models, students had a delicious clean up!

To go along with our CMS Toy Drive, 6th grade students made holiday cards for the Veteran families of Operation Christmas Angel. Students learned about how giving can be monetary, but that there are also many other "little" ways that they can spread kindness and cheer to others throughout the holiday season and always