Congratulations to our newest inductees of the Campbellsport High School chapter of the National Honor Society, and our graduating senior members. As they embark on the next steps of their journey, we hope that they continue to be guided by the pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Here's to the bright futures ahead, filled with endless possibilities!

Rollin' into school with some serious horsepower! It is a long standing tradition that once a year our students drive their tractors to school. Today a few of our students woke up extra early to start the slow journey to school in their favorite tractor! Happy Drive Your Tractor to School Day!

At the end of May, our sixth-grade students will have the exciting opportunity to visit JA BizTown. This initiative aims to provide them with real-world experiences in the realms of financial literacy and technical soft skills, preparing them for their future endeavors. During this visit, students will take on specific job roles, earning a "salary" of "BizTown Bucks" while applying their knowledge in practice. To secure their positions, students went through a job application process, including an interview conducted by our teachers. They practiced essential skills such as making eye contact, delivering a firm handshake, and articulately expressing why they would excel in the roles that they applied for.

Over the next two weeks the Advanced Plant Science students will be implementing the school orchard in the school forest. We are preparing by to plant 24 apple and pear trees for future use in the school. Today students worked on building the fence around orchard site!

Getting ready to conquer the AP World Exam with these dedicated students! Review sessions in full covering material from 1200 CE to Present.

At the beginning of the school year, sixth grade WI Forestry students were presented with the opportunity to participate in the 2024 Conservation Poster Contest for the Fond du Lac County Land Conservation Committee. Students had to design a poster with the theme of "May the Forest be With You, Always." Natalie Wolf won first place in the competition for Fond du Lac county. Because she won for the county, she was then placed into the state competition. At state, Natalie took second place! Congratulations Natalie!

It must be the day before Prom at Campbellsport High School! Mrs. Waldschmidt’s business education classes are learning how to tie ties today. We hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!

Students in 8th grade math collected data about their heights, arm spans, hand spans, and ages while exploring different ways to organize data so that they can easily make sense of it. They then used their data to create scatter plots that they can use to look for patterns and begin a discussion on correlation.

"Last week, high school students in Mr. Merkes' Trends in Fitness class had the opportunity to learn about the "trending" game of Pickleball! Congratulations to the tournament champions; Colin Crofts and Riley Kohlmann! It was a fun and competitive week of Pickleball. Great work!"

Over the past 2 weeks art students Angel and Sebastian created mixed media collages based on one of their favorite animals. Their artwork, among many others, will be featured at the Campbellsport High School Art Show on May 8th.

Donovan holds a marble used to test their 6th grade STEM roller coaster project with teammates Nolan and Corbin. Teams of students worked together to design, construct and problem solve their original concept highlighting Newton's 3 Laws of Physics. Sharing of idea's, teamwork and problem solving with those three principles in mind are emphasized.
Newtons 3 laws will be revisited later this semester as the students will be moving on to an engineering project today.

Its certification time with Mrs. Waldschmidt & Business Education. Congratulations to Hunter, Chris, Lance, & Jocelyn on earning their Print & Digital Media Publication using Adobe InDesign 2023 Certification. They are not only earning industry recognized certifications, but also high school & MPTC credit.

Congratulations to Katrina & Kelise for using their time wisely and building their skill sets to set themselves up for success by earning Microsoft Certifications with Mrs. Waldschmidt.

Congratulations to Anna Batzler and Trent Dieckman for representing Campbellsport High School at the Badger Boys/Badger Girls State Conference.
Badger Boys/Badger Girls State is a weeklong government and leadership conference held in June for rising high school seniors. Its focus is providing young leaders across the state of Wisconsin with opportunities for leadership development, education, and personal growth. Students are able to run for various elected positions at the city, county, and state level to form a fully-functioning mock government, while learning about being a good citizen, networking, and making lasting memories.

Students in Ms. Skelton's 7th grade Cougar Academy class focused on their word of the week, perseverance, by collaborating on team building challenges and riddles. They were rewarded for their hard work with a sweet treat of ice cream, which they made by hand by shaking in a bag!

7th graders in Mrs. Writt’s class recently traded in their school IDs for Secret Agent Badges to solve a European Union Escape Room as part of our Europe unit.

It isn't often that we will have an opportunity to witness a solar eclipse!

The Forensics Team and Visual Arts Team conducted their Walk to State together! Congratulations to both teams for this honor! Good luck at State!

In Earth Science, students are learning about the makeup of the atmosphere. Today they demonstrated a method of collecting water from the atmosphere for homemade fog catchers. This method can be very beneficial in water-scarce communities across the world."