This rocks! Check out our 7th grade scientists as they work to make detailed observations.

The varsity dance team competed at Eastern regionals this last weekend and placed 4th for Pom and 2nd for Hip Hop! They earned their place at State for both routines!! We will have a short pep rally on Friday to help send them off to LaCrosse!

Students in Sixth Grade Science investigated chemical reactions, more specifically reactions that release energy. This reaction served as an analogy to the chemical reaction between glucose and oxygen which releases energy in the cells of the body during cellular respiration.

Before the Holidays, the Middle School Student Council organized a food drive to collect items for the St. Matt's food pantry. Students in 8th grade went above and beyond with their generosity and brought in the most items.

Congratulations Science Olympians! The team took 6th place overall at the Bellville Invite!
Please congratulate our medal winners!
2nd - Robo Cross - Luckson
2nd - Rocks & Minerals - Abby & Kaitlyn
2nd - Solar System - Justin
3rd - Crimebusters - Aubrey & Lilijana
3rd - Geocaching - Aubrey & Merydith
4th - Green Generation - Molly
4th - Mouse Trap - Sam & Abe / Olyvia & Payton
4th - Write It Do It - Sam & Abe

Our 8th graders recently investigated concentration and density of solutions using the scientific method to create a rainbow tower using the scientific method.

Last week our seventh graders in science were working toward a deeper understanding of tectonic plate movement. Students helped each other build this understanding by having a whole class discussion called a Science Seminar. They shared many ideas and practiced agreeing and disagreeing respectfully.

Check out how focused our seventh grade reading students are as they take the iReady reading test the week of January 10, 2022.

Check out Mrs. Feltes' Wisconsin Forestry class participating in a hands-on activity involving in leaf chromatography to observe the hidden colors in leaves that our eyes can't always detect.

The school district is working with WiscNet to resolve an issue recently discovered with emails not being sent from Skyward to specific email address families are using. Email providers we know are impacted are hotmail.com, Live.com and outlook.com. If you use one of these emails please check Family Access to view emails being sent as we work to get this issue resolved.

Students in Sixth Grade FIT engineered, designed, and built an amusement park ride on a budget. Their ride had to appeal to a variety of age ranges and attract visitors to their amusement park. Students had $1,000 to purchase supplies and pay for construction labor costs.

The middle school student council organized a coin war before they went on Thanksgiving break. The 6th grade class dominated the competition by collecting $193.20 while the 7th and 8th grade each collected around $72 per grade bringing the total amount to $338 that they will donate to the Fond du Lac Humane Society. Way to go Campbellsport Middle School!

We’d like to thank Mrs.Dilling for subbing for Mrs.Gersonde while she was out on maternity leave during the 1st quarter. Mrs. Dilling did an outstanding job. Her gentle nature and determined patience made her a great fit in the 8th grade. Everyone will surely miss her, but it is nice to know she’ll be back subbing for us here and there through the rest of the school year.

Last week, 7th grade geography students got hands on by creating “rip-a-maps” to practice the continents and oceans. No tracing, no scissors, just memorizing shape and ripping paper!

Students in 7th grade science this week took on the Mars Lander Challenge! Students were presented with the challenge of designing, building, testing, evaluating, and redesigning a lander that would land on Mars without injuring their astronauts (jumbo marshmallows) or damaging their spacecraft. They presented their finished product to the class before showing how it performed.

Mrs. Writt’s elementary summer School “Dance Camp” and “Dance Away the Summer” students were proud to show off their hard work yesterday at their last-day-of-summer-school performance for parents and students! Check out the link to the videos!
Great job, everyone!!!

State bound! Good luck Aubree Koenings, Kendra Hewitt, Joseph Gardner, and Santana Ryan as they compete tomorrow at the State Track Meet in La Crosse.

A note related to the Regional Baseball game in Kewaskum: there is an admission fee of $6 per person. No admission fee for the Regional Softball game in Campbellsport.

Cougar Softball and Baseball Regional Finals being played Wednesday, June 16th......5 miles apart.
Girls host Mayville at Columbus Parc starting at 5:00 PM while boys play in Kewaskum at 4:45 PM. Good luck teams. Go Cougars!

Post season track, softball, and baseball this week.
Monday: Track Regional in Kewaskum at 3:30 PM & Regional Softball in Campbellsport (Columbus Parc) at 5:00 PM
Tuesday: Baseball Regional in Waupun at 5:00 PM
Wednesday: Probable Regional Softball Final in Campbellsport (Columbus Parc) at 5:00 PM
Thursday: Sectional Track in Waupun at 10:00 AM
Softball and Baseball events listed are FREE!
Get out and support your Cougars!