What a special moment our 8th grade boys basketball team was a part of this week! Shout out to our players and coaches for showing great character! We are very proud of you! Check out the link- https://www.facebook.com/73406369/posts/10103902744650965/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport Middle School
7th grade parent Heather Handel surprised Mrs. Skelton’s Exploratory Spanish class with these beautiful cookies to commemorate Día de los Muertos, which is on November 1 and 2. Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is an important tradition for many of our students of Latino heritage. Family members honor their deceased loved ones through vibrant festivities by creating ofrendas, or altars, to ensure they are never forgotten. ¡Gracias, Sra. Handel!
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport Middle School
Spanish class
Spanish Class
Spanish Class
Spanish Class
7th graders in Mrs. Writt's geography class are now learning about population, and what makes people move. This week, students learned that their newly acquired knowledge isn't just useful in school, but also if they experienced a "Zombie Apocalypse!" Students learned how to identify push and pull factors, then applied their skills in identifying reasons a Zombie might move to an area so they would travel to a safer location.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport Middle School
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th Grade
7th grade math classed played "Pumpkin Attack" for a review activity about integers and enjoyed some technology free time for their incentive by playing Bingo and card games this week.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport Middle School
Cougars finished 15th. Awesome season boys! Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Tom Griesemer
Almost race time. Go Cougars!!!
over 1 year ago, Tom Griesemer
Cougar XC Team is 30 minutes from their State run. Good luck boys!!!
over 1 year ago, Tom Griesemer
Students in Mrs. Ballard's and Ms. Oates' Earth Science Classes investigated the factors that affect mass movements (mudslides, avalanches, rockslides, and slumps). Groups designed their own experiments to test either the slope of the land, the composition of the rock, or the moisture content of the soil. Students graphed and analyzed their data and then shared their results with the rest of the class to generate conclusions about mass movements. Then the class described areas in Wisconsin and in the United States that might be susceptible to mass movements.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport High School
Earth Science
Earth Science
Earth Science
This week Cory Clark from UW- River Falls stopped by the Advanced Plant Science to discuss schooling options after high school. Our students heard about the many different majors offered at the university, hands-on opportunities in labs and on the school farms, student life, short course, and sport opportunities. Our students were able to ask specific questions to Cory to help them determine their next steps in education.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport High School
UW River Falls
Friday's playoff football game in Two Rivers has been moved to Ron Rubick Field at Manitowoc Lincoln HS. Still a 7:00 pm start time. Advanced tickets can be purchased in the MS-HS Office today and Friday. Go Cougars!
over 1 year ago, Tom Griesemer
Boys' XC Team is State Bound. They just completed their "Walk to State". The boys run at 12:35 pm on Saturday. Go Cougars!
over 1 year ago, Tom Griesemer
8th Grade English Students in Mrs. Flatt's class practiced identifying simple, compound, and complex sentences by playing a sentence scramble board game. They used their knowledge of sentence building blocks to move their player pieces around the board, identifying different sentences, and competing against their classmates. The students had a great time and some even got to enjoy the sweet taste of victory!
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport Middle School
8th Grade English
8th Grade English
8th Grade English
8th Grade English
Avoid the line for admission at Friday's football game in Two Rivers. Tickets are on sale in the MS-HS Office for $6. You will have access to express line entrance at the gate. Go Cougars!
over 1 year ago, Tom Griesemer
My AP physics class this week has been working on projectile motion. The goal of this lab is to determine how far the ping pong ball will fly off the table without measuring the distance.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport High School
AP Physics
AP Physics
AP Physics
Today high school students had the option to check a military/college fair during study hall. Our next one will be November 7th.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport High School
Military/College Fair
Military/College Fair
Military/College Fair
Military/College Fair
6th grade students in Cougar Academy are learning and practicing what it means to be college and career ready! Students researched a career match of their choice in order to help transform their aspirations into personalized plans for academic and career success!
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport Middle School
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
The CHS drama club production of "Murder Box" is moving on to round 2 of competition! Next up will be sectionals on November 4th.
over 1 year ago, Tom Griesemer
The AP Biology class went on 8 Speed Dates each as Cell Organelles!
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport High School
AP Biology
AP Biology
Students in AP art history class finished Content Area 2 (The Ancient Mediterranean) and celebrated with a toga photo shoot, using the green screen in the Media Center. To prepare for their upcoming content exam, students competed in olympic review events (quiz bowl, timeline, fashion, play doh sculpture, and food architecture). In the end the Titans were awarded olympic medals and laurel crowns for their triumph over the Gods of Mount Olympus.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport Middle School
AP Art
AP Art
AP Art
AP World History dressed up for Dynastic Debates! In groups students debated for and against the following statements: -Sui Dynasty was more significant to Chinese History than the Qin Dynasty -The Song Dynasty was the cultural and societal high point in Chinese History -The Mongolian Empire was an overall benefit to humanity during and beyond the 13th and 14th centuries The students were passionate and the gavel was in fact used to bring order to the court.
over 1 year ago, Campbellsport High School
AP World History