Tom Griesemer
Associate High School Principal/ Athletic Director

Principal Notes

It is now my eighth year as Associate Principal/Athletic Director in the Campbellsport School District. I look forward to making a difference in the lives of young people every single day. It could be while supervising hallways/events, visiting classrooms, or supporting athletic teams. In my capacity for the middle/high school, I look for our students to be actively engaged in both their academics and co-curricular activities. Get involved and make a difference at Campbellsport High School/Middle School. My focus and philosophy is always on Cougar P.R.I.D.E.: Communication, Physical & mental preparation, Respect, Individual responsibility, Desire to succeed, Enthusiasm. We have a great community that we all play a role in contributing to its well-being. Remember, “it takes a village…”

Mark Wittig
High School Principal