Contact Bobbi Hicken
Telephone 920-929-7647
March 23, 2022
APRIL 4-8, 2022
The State of Wisconsin has declared the week of April 4 – 8, 2022 as “Severe Weather Awareness Week”. This important week is intended to remind everyone of the potential for severe weather and the need to prepare for what they would do in the event of severe weather. Severe weather in Wisconsin includes thunderstorms, flooding as well as tornadoes. The 2022 Statewide Tornado Drill Day is scheduled for Thursday, April 7th and we encourage everyone to participate in the drills. At 1:45 pm and 6:45 pm, NOAA weather radios will be activated with a message similar to how the weekly tests are done explaining it is a tornado drill. Fond du Lac County will be activating the outdoor warning sirens at both times as well, however, there will not be any warnings issued through apps or the wireless emergency alerts. Bobbi Hicken, Director of Communications & Emergency Management explains, “Normally, my message is to seek shelter and then seek information when hearing an outdoor warning siren. For this drill, there may not be an explanation why the siren is going off when looking at weather apps, tuning into media sources, etc. so we want to get the word out as to why the sirens will be sounded.”
It is recommended on April 7th at 1:45 pm and 6:45 pm that everyone pause what they are doing to practice their plans for severe weather. Having two drills allows people to practice at work, school and at home. It is important for everyone to have multiple ways to receive weather notifications such as a NOAA weather radio and phone apps. If severe weather is being forecasted, everyone should be checking weather reports throughout the day to stay prepared. Information on plans and how to prepare for severe weather events can be found at If there is the potential for severe weather on April 7th, the drills will be held on April 8th.