Human Growth and Development

The Campbellsport School Board, administration, and staff believe that human growth and development curriculum and instruction are community efforts and an important part of our comprehensive school health program. Our shared goals are to promote an accurate and comprehensive knowledge-base in human growth and development; support responsible decision-making; and enhance the efforts of families, community members, and the schools to provide age-appropriate guidance to our young people. We educate students to: 

● respect themselves and others who may be different from them, 

● acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that inform responsible decision-making, 

● understand how their bodies grow and develop, 

● value human sexuality as normal and essential to overall health and well-being, 

● identify and choose behaviors, including abstinence, that keep them physically and psychologically safe and healthy, and 

● appreciate the role of parents, guardians, the community, and families in building assets and supporting positive choices. 

Curriculum Guide

These grade level guidelines were developed: to help teach sensitive issues, provide guidance, and enhance student understanding of a variety of topics based in the Human Growth and Development (HGD) Curriculum. These topics align with State and District guidelines and we feel these topics are necessary for student development. 

Sensitive Issues are often part of an inclusive Human Growth and Development unit. Sensitive issue statements cover topics relating to: Sexual Behavior, Sexuality, Pregnancy and Adoption.